Bhaskar Kumawat


Kumawat, B., Lalejini, A., Acosta, M., & Zaman, L. (2023). Fluctuating environments promote evolvability by shaping adaptive variation accessible to populations. bioRxiv, 2023-01.

Kumawat, B. and Zaman, L., 2021, July. Architecture of the Genotype-Phenotype Map and the Coevolution of Complexity. In ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life. MIT Press.

Kumawat, B., Bhat, R. An interplay of resource availability, population size and mutation rate potentiates the evolution of metabolic signaling. BMC Ecol Evo 21, 52 (2021).


D’Costa, J., Pujar, A.*, Kumawat, B.*, Venkatesh, P.*, Ranjith, G.*, Sinha, V.*, Dubey, A.K.*, Narayan, H.* Resistance: Tales from a Post-Antibiotic World. IISc Press, 2019. ISBN-10: 8192570789. (* = equal contribution, Book chapter)


Kumawat, B. & Bhat, R. Relatively disparate evolutionary dynamics of genomic and developmental features in unicellular and multicellular contexts. ISEB2, Indo-Swiss Meeting on Evolutionary Biology, December 2019. (Poster)

Venkatesh, P.(*) & Kumawat, B.(*) Utility functions with compounding returns lead to the evolution of cooperativity in Multi-Armed Bandit networks. ISEB2, Indo-Swiss Meeting on Evolutionary Biology, December 2019 (* = equal contribution, Poster)

Kumawat, B. & Bhat, R. Investigating the evolution of developmental mechanisms in digital multicellular organisms. Indian Society of Evolutionary Biologists Annual Conference, Bangalore, 2019. (Poster, won the best poster award)

Kumawat, B.* et al. PhageShift: Improving treatment of bacterial infections through novel modifications to conventional phage therapeutics. iGEM Giant Jamboree, Boston, 2018. (* = Team Leader. Poster and Presentation)

bhaskar kumawat
kumawatb [at]